Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Autumn Gloom, FOs, and Explanations

The past few months have been full of constant change around these parts.

First, I got a job up by my parents' house. Second, I had to move away from LA and up to their neck of the woods. Third, I've ended up living back at home so I can save up some money (and start paying back some stupid student loans) so that I can get a place of my own once I decide whether I'm sticking around here after my one-year contract is up.

I must admit that I'm still trying to get used to this new schedule-- I wake up before dawn and typically get home around 7 or 8 each night. I'm awful at going to bed before 11pm, which is bad for me since I need 8 hours of sleep to function like a normal human being.

I haven't gone running in about 2 weeks. =(

I have been enjoying quite a bit of gardening, however:

And I can't wait until these babies are ready for plucking and pie-making:

I've also been busy, knitting away on some projects:

I absolutely love this yarn that I bought back in Montclair, NJ, intending to learn entrelac with it-- I tried figuring it out on my own, but I got frustrated and turned it into this simple twisted drop stitch scarf and super loose hat (perfect for when I've got a bunch of clips in my hair... which is 90% of the time).

I also finished up a couple of shawls: Summer Flies in a beautiful Malabrigo sock yarn (colorway Agua) <-- this is probably my favorite Malabrigo colorway to date!

And a modified Multnomah -- I hate garter stitch, so I alternated between sections of garter stitch and sections of stockinette. I still have to block this shawl out.

With the cooler weather starting already, I have a feeling I'm going to need all of these knitted beauties. 

My mom has already nabbed my favorite pair of fingerless gloves. My sister  asked me to knit hats for my niece and nephew-- so weird to knit things for my family this year.

I miss summer already...